Wednesday, August 01, 2007

ES Update - Week 1

ES (Experimental Stupidity) ....
How does this experiment been doing so far:...
  1. I pissed off a lot of people

That's probablly what I get when:

  • Don't answer my friends calls or text messages.... (don't get me wrong I don't really have any load :)
  • Don't go with them during lunch break..

Hey! when I said that this time i'ts all about myself..

I really mean it :)

I'm really sorry for this i'm not angry at you..

Hope u guys understand :(

2. I lost some some lbs...

What did u get..

when u almost don't eat.. only cereals (nesvita)..

100 crunches and lifts a night....

3. I got roots

My dream to become the local Pau Gasol.... is sooooooooooo near....

