I'm an asian.. and I approve of this post :P
Top Ten Ways to be the Perfect Asian Kid
10. Aspire to be a doctor or a lawyer.
9. Pick out an Ivy league school, and talk about how you're totally going to go to it, all the time.
8. Eat noisily and open your mouth way wider than necessary when inserting small pieces of food, preferably rice.
7. Never get laid. Never. But, talk about getting laid like you get laid all the time.
6. fall for pranks only a complete retard would fall for (i.e. reading " I am sofa king we todd edd" out loud).
5. Shop at American Eagle.
4. Learn to speak Latin, and pretend like you don't like it.
3. Say your parents beat you when you don't get A's.
2. Get beaten by your parents when you don't get A's.
1. Be a total douche, try and make people mad at you as often as possible.
Top Ten Ways to be the Perfect Asian Parent
10. Ask all your kid's friends over the age of 21 if they have a boy/girlfriend yet.
9. Ask your child, "What are you going to do with your life?" if he/she majors in a non-science field.
8. Continually remind your child of how fat he or she is if said child is not 30 pounds underweight, or otherwise does not look anorexic.
7. Incorporate no phrases besides, "Did you study yet?" into your daily conversations with your children.
6. Give your son a bowl haircut or your daughter two acres of bangs.
5. Reveal all the intimate details of your kid's life to the entire Asian community.
4. Blatantly hint about the merits of Hahbaado (Harvard), Yeilu (Yale), or Purinsuton (Princeton).
3. Never be even a little lenient on the 4:00 P.M. curfew.
2. Ai-yah loudly at your kid's dress habits.
1. Always ask where the other point went when your child comes home with a 99/100 on his/her test.
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