Thursday, August 12, 2004

08/12/04 Thursday

Life update:

Nothing really interesting happened yesterday. :) It's been since Tuesday that I haven't ate rice YOSH!!!!! Actually nowadays my only descent meal is breakfast, and i'ts not even a rice, just plain pasta. Like last tuesday my dinner was only a burger, Yesterday lunch was a conrnetto ice cream, and the dinner was some pasta again.

Oh yeah i'ved been drinking some cereal drinks every night just to wash away some of my crappy toxins, the result is suck!!! 'coz the very first thing i did when i came to office is to POO!!!
hehe!!! i guess it took effect afterall.

Oh crap i supposed to test my new Azumi DVD but crap my workstation doesn't have any dvd decoder, and i can't install any, since tthey are too strict i guess it's all bec. there's a so-called virus in our network.

Work update:
Too busy yesterday, i worked almost 11 hrs. the result is i got to finished my task in which the deadline was supposed to be today. So it's my slack day today, although they assigned me some new task, but it's not that challenging all i have to do is to convert the try-catch block to throws Throwable statements, oh yeah!!! it's java if you don't get what i'm blaberring hehe!!!!!

Forum update:
Just post new rena wallpaper in my thread, no interesting stuffs happened in the forum except for the changes Genma put like the small flaggy, some new emotions.

