Monday, February 04, 2008

MS bidds Y!... G bitter

pic from: Jesus Diaz

MS trying to buy Y!...
hmmmm what can I say...
As a G-fanboy and a Vista-curser...
maybe the following stuffs will explain below:

If Y! + MS

Crappy OS + Crappy Search Engine (too many banners!!!)

If Y! + G

Great webmail + Great IM
Youtube + Flickr + Blogger = DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

seems bias eh?!!!
hey! in so much that a lot of peeps
whine regarding G trying to monopolize
WWW.... but hey I think it's just very convenient
where you online application/services are free..
and interconnected.. no need to sign up here/there//
you'll be using 1 global id for all....

